A retrospective intent-to-treat analysis (N = 1,339) was conducted to disce
rn the natural course of antidepressant use and direct health service expen
ditures for the treatment of single-episode depression (DSM-IV code 296.20)
among patients initiating antidepressant pharmacotherapy with either a tri
cyclic antidepressant (TCA) (amitriptyline, N = 237) or a selective seroton
in reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) (citalopram, N = 71; fluoxetine, N = 411; paro
xetine, N = 334; or sertraline, N = 286). Data were derived from the comput
er archive of a network-model health maintenance organization for the perio
d of January 1, 1996, through April 30, 1999. Comparisons at the end of the
g-month post-period (180 days) were undertaken between cohorts initiating
antidepressant pharmacotherapy with citalopram and each SSRI or TCA. Consis
tent with the intent-to-treat design, all accrued health service expenditur
es were assigned to the pharmacotherapeutic option initially prescribed. Mu
ltivariate models were adjusted for patient's age, gender, number of concom
itant disease state processes, use of health services in the 6-month time f
rame (180 days) before initiating antidepressant pharmacotherapy, specialty
of physician recording a diagnosis of single-episode depression, and the p
resence or absence of a previous diagnosis of single-episode depression and
receipt of antidepressant pharmacotherapy. Patients initiating antidepress
ant pharmacotherapy with citalopram were far more Likely to (1) have been d
iagnosed by a psychiatrist (37%; p less than or equal to 0.05); (2) continu
e with the original pharmacotherapeutic option (79%) compared with patients
originally prescribed amitriptyline (52%; chi(2) = 17.29, df = 1, p less t
han or equal to 0.05) or sertraline (65%; chi(2) = 36.91, df = 1, p less th
an or equal to 0.05); no significant difference was found compared with pat
ients initiating antidepressant pharmacotherapy with paroxetine (72%; p = n
ot significant [NS]) or fluoxetine (83%; p = NS); (3) obtain 90 days or mor
e of antidepressant pharmacotherapy (86%) compared with those prescribed am
itriptyline (69%; chi(2) = 8.09, df = 1, p less than or equal to 0.05); no
significant difference was found compared with sertraline (77%), paroxetine
(81%), or fluoxetine (84%); and (4) obtain 6 months (180 days) of antidepr
essant pharmacotherapy (68%) compared with those prescribed amitriptyline (
39%; chi(2) = 18.26, df = 1, p less than or equal to 0.05) or sertraline (5
1%; chi(2) = 6.02, df = 1, p less than or equal to 0.05); no significant di
fference was found compared with paroxetine (56%) or fluoxetine (59%). Rece
ipt of amitriptyline or sertraline as initial medication was associated wit
h a per capita increase (p less than or equal to 0.05) in health service ut
ilization (17% and 9%,respectively) relative to citalopram. No significant
difference (p > 0.05) in health service utilization was discerned between c
italopram and either fluoxetine or paroxetine. Multivariate models adjusted
for nonrandom assignment to the initial pharmacotherapeutic option confirm
ed these findings. Further research over a longer time course is warranted.