Cultural commentators addressing the differences between high art and mere
entertainment have suggested that the standards of popular appeal governing
the tastes of ordinary consumers differ from the criteria for excellence e
mployed by professional critics in rendering expert judgments. These concer
ns appear in discussions of the cultural hierarchy (distinguishing among le
vels of tastes) and in claims that commercialism tends to degrade cultural
objects (by catering to tastes that represent the lowest common denominator
). However, such attacks make assumptions that are generally left untested
and that raise at least two key research questions: (RQ1) Do the determinan
ts of popular appeal versus expert judgments suggest differing or common st
andards of evaluation for consumers versus critics? (RQ2) Do discrepant (sh
ared) tastes produce a negative (positive) correlation between popular appe
al and expert judgments? The present study addresses these research questio
ns for the case of motion pictures. The findings suggest that, at least in
the case of films, ordinary consumers and professional critics do emphasize
different criteria in the formation of their tastes but that we have reaso
n to question critiques based on the implicit assumption of a negative corr
elation between popular appeal and expert judgments.