Short-lasting, transient head displacements and near target fixation were u
sed to measure the latency and early response gain of vestibularly evoked e
ye movements during lateral and fore-aft translations in rhesus monkeys. Th
e latency of the horizontal eye movements elicited during lateral motion wa
s 11.9 +/- 5.4 ms. Viewing distance-dependent behavior was seen as early as
the beginning of the response profile. For fore-aft motion, latencies were
different for forward and backward displacements. Latency averaged 7.1 +/-
9.3 ms during forward motion (same for both eyes) and 12.5 +/- 6.3 ms for
the adducting eye (e.g., left eye during right fixation) during backward mo
tion. Latencies during backward motion were significantly longer for die ab
ducting eye (18.9 +/- 9.8 ms). Initial acceleration gains of the two eyes w
ere generally larger than unity but asymmetric. Specifically, gains were co
nsistently larger for abducting than adducting eye movements. The large ini
tial acceleration gains tended to compensate for the response latencies suc
h that the early eye movement response approached, albeit consistently inco
mpletely, that required for maintaining visual acuity during the movement.
These short-latency vestibuloocular responses could complement the visually
generated optic flow responses that have been shown to exhibit much longer