Finite differencing formulations for dynamic bending strain are used to def
ine measurement methods for autospectral, spatial and time history predicti
ons of dynamic bending strain. These measurement methods provide prediction
s of dynamic bending strain in both nearfield and farfield regions from dis
crete measurements of displacement, velocity or acceleration. The differenc
ing formulations considered use either three- or four-point finite differen
cing requiring simultaneous measurements at three or four positions, respec
tively. The number of simultaneous measurements required is reduced to two
if the response is stationary and frequency response methods are used. The
main limitation of these differencing methods is that the spatial extent of
the measurement array precludes the prediction of dynamic bending strain a
t locations such as a clamped boundary where dynamic strain is usually larg
est. Experimental results are presented demonstrating autospectral, spatial
and time history predictions of dynamic strain in both nearfield and farfi
eld regions, and sources of errors in predictions are discussed. As structu
ral intensity is given by the product of dynamic stress and velocity, the w
ork presented here is also of interest for structural intensity measurement
s, particularly in nearfield regions when evanescent waves cannot be neglec
ted. (C) 1999 Academic Press.