This study was conducted to determine whether inpatient substance abuse tre
atment was associated with higher posttreatment abstinence rates than outpa
tient treatment. The follow-up sample of 2,476 adults represented 183 Minne
sota treatment programs. Composite measures were constructed based on psych
ometric analyses of a modified version of the Addiction Severity Index and
additional variables. A series of analyses was conducted, including hierarc
hical logistic regression and a contingency table analysis addressing multi
ple problem severity. For the total sample, setting was not significantly a
ssociated with abstinence once other outcome predictors and differences bet
ween inpatients and outpatients were controlled for. However; when the logi
stic regression analysis was extended to include ail possible two-way inter
actions of setting with clinically related severity variables, recent suici
dal behavior was found to be a moderator of the association between setting
and outcome. Inpatient treatment significantly predicted a higher posttrea
tment abstinence rate than outpatient treatment for the small subset of pat
ients (16% of the sample) who reported recent suicidal ideation or attempt.
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