Partitioning of 4-nitrophenol in a reverse micellar system consisting of ae
rosol-OT (AOT)-H2O-isooctane was monitored spectrophotometrically. At pH 10
.0, the ionized form 4-nitrophenolate in the water pool absorbs visible lig
ht with a maximum peak at 402 nm. However, that partitioned into the interf
ace region is not ionized due to interactions with the negatively charged p
olar head of the surfactant. The partitioning depends on the water content
of the system. In some intermediate [H2O]/[AOT] molar ratio values, two abs
orption peaks were clearly observed, which can be utilized in the partition
coefficient estimation. The partitioning also depends on the buffer used.
While partitioning of 4-nitrophenol into the interface is observed in carbo
nate buffer, the partitioning disappeared in 2-amino-2-methylpropanol buffe
r presumably due to displacement of 4-nitrophenol from the interface region
into the water pool. This displacement is not a salt effect but is due to
the amino group of 2-amino-2-methylpropanol, because tert-butylamine, rathe
r than isobutanol, induced the replacement. When the surfactant concentrati
on was increased, while keeping the system water content constant, the abso
rption peak at 402 nm increased with a concomitant decrease in the A(310) p
eak, which demonstrated the affinity of the non-ionized 4-nitrophenol with
the surfactant. Multiple apparent pK(a) values of 4-nitrophenol were observ
ed in the AOT reverse micellar system. We propose a model of the AOT revers
e micelles with a gradient micro-polarity in the water pool that results in
a continuous influence on the ionization of 4-nitrophenol in the water poo
l of the system.