This paper describes several methods for solving nonlinear complementarity
problems. A general duality framework for pairs of monotone operators is de
veloped and then applied to the monotone complementarity problem, obtaining
primal, dual. and primal-dual formulations. We derive Bregman-function-bas
ed generalized proximal algorithms for each of these formulations, generati
ng three classes of complementarity algorithms. The primal class is well-kn
own. The dual class is new and constitutes a general collection of methods
of multipliers, or augmented Lagrangian methods, for complementarity proble
ms. In a special case, it corresponds to a class of variational inequality
algorithms proposed by Gabay. By appropriate choice of Bregman function, th
e augmented Lagrangian subproblem in these methods can be made continuously
differentiable. The primal-dual class of methods is entirely new and combi
nes the best theoretical features of the primal and dual methods. Some prel
iminary computation shows that this class of algorithms is effective at sol
ving many of the standard complementarity test problems.