Many quantitative trait loci (QTLs) contributing to genetically complex con
ditions have been discovered, but few causative genes have been identified.
This is mainly due to the large size of QTLs and the subtle connection bet
ween genotype and quantitative phenotype associated with these conditions(1
,2) Transgenic mice have been successfully used to analyse well-characteriz
ed genes suspected of contributing to quantitative traits(3-5). Although th
is approach is powerful for examining one gene at a time, it can be impract
ical for surveying the large genomic intervals containing many genes that a
re typically associated with QTLs. To screen for genes contributing to an a
sthma QTL mapped to human chromosome 5q3 (refs 6,7), we characterized a pan
el of large-insert 5q31 transgenics based on studies demonstrating that alt
ering gene dosage frequently affects quantitative phenotypes normally influ
enced by that gene. This panel of human YAC transgenics, propagating a 1Mb
interval of chromosome 5q31 containing 6 cytokine genes and 17 partially ch
aracterized genes(8), was screened for quantitative changes in several asth
ma-associated phenotypes. Multiple independent transgenic lines with altere
d IgE response to antigen treatment shared a 180-kb region containing 5 gen
es, including those encoding human interleukin 4 (IL4) and interleukin 13(I
L 13), which induce IgE class switching in B cells(9). Further analysis of
these mice and mice transgenic for mouse Il14 and Il13 demonstrated that mo
derate changes in Il4 and Il13 expression affect asthma-associated phenotyp
es in vivo. This functional screen of large-insert transgenics enabled us t
o identify genes that influence the QTL phenotype in vivo.