PSYCHOMOTOR deficits are a prominent feature in subjects exposed to hypoxia
. Eight subjects exposed to chronic hypoxia during a simulated climb to 884
8 m (Everest-Comex 97) were investigated using both a simple psychomotor ta
sk (Purdue pegboard) and two complex psychomotor tasks including a recognit
ion task of-either a color stimulus (high semantic level) or an abstract si
gn (low semantic level). Exposure to hypoxic stress: mainly produced psycho
motor skills learning deficits: compared to control study, with greater def
icits in the complex psychomotor task. The pattern of results suggests disr
uptions of motor strategic process. Our data further suggest that the relat
ive strength of implicit-or automatic memory processes associated with Sema
ntic information processing may increase when disturbances occur in brain f
unctions. (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.