Objective. To investigate the relationship between specific television-view
ing habits and both sleep habits and sleep disturbances in school children.
Methods. The parents of 495 children in grades kindergarten through fourth
grade in three public elementary schools completed two retrospective survey
questionnaires, one assessing their children's sleep behaviors and the oth
er examining television-viewing habits of both the child and the family. Sl
eep domains assessed included bedtime resistance, sleep onset delay, sleep
duration, anxiety around sleep, parasomnias, night wakings, and daytime sle
epiness. Teachers from all three schools also completed daytime sleepiness
questionnaires (N = 402) for the sample.
Results. Most of the television-viewing practices examined in this study we
re associated with at least one type of sleep disturbance. Despite overall
close monitoring of television-viewing habits, one quarter of the parents r
eported the presence of a television set in the child's bedroom. The televi
sion-viewing habits associated most significantly with sleep disturbance we
re increased daily television viewing amounts and increased television view
ing at bedtime, especially in the context of having a television set in the
child's bedroom. The sleep domains that appeared to be affected most consi
stently by television were bedtime resistance, sleep onset delay, and anxie
ty around sleep, followed by shortened sleep duration. The parent's thresho
ld for defining "problem sleep behavior" in their child was also important
in determining the significance of the association between sleep disturbanc
e and television-viewing habits.
Conclusion. Health care practitioners should be aware of the potential nega
tive impact of television viewing at bedtime. Parents should be questioned
about their children's television-viewing habits as part of general screeni
ng for sleep disturbances and as part of anticipatory guidance in regards t
o healthy sleep habits in children. In particular, the presence of a televi
sion set in the child's bedroom may be a relatively underrecognized, but im
portant, contributor to sleep problems in school children.