The mechanism of dc-electric-field-induced second-harmonic (EFISH) generati
on at weakly nonlinear buried Si(001)-SiO2 interfaces is studied experiment
ally in planar Si(001)-SiO2-Cr MOS structures by optical second-harmonic ge
neration spectroscopy with a tunable Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser. The spe
ctral dependence of the EFISH contribution near the direct two-photon El tr
ansition of silicon is extracted. A systematic phenomenological model of th
e EFISH phenomenon, including a detailed description of the space-charge re
gion (SCR) at the semiconductor-dielectric interface in accumulation, deple
tion, and inversion regimes, has been developed. The influence of surface q
uantization effects, interface states, charge traps in the oxide layer, dop
ing concentration, and oxide thickness on nonlocal screening of the de-elec
tric field and on breaking of inversion symmetry in the SCR is considered.
The model describes EFISH generation in the SCR using a Green's-function fo
rmalism which takes into account all retardation and absorption effects of
the fundamental and second-harmonic (SH) waves, and multiple reflection int
erference in the SiO2 layer. The optical interference between field-depende
nt and -independent contributions to the SH field is considered as an inter
nal homodyne amplifier of the EFISH effects. Good agreement between the phe
nomenological model and our EFISH spectroscopic results is demonstrated. Fi
nally, low-frequency electromodulated EFISH is demonstrated as a useful dif
ferential spectroscopic technique for studies of the Si-SiO2 interface in s
ilicon-based metaloxide-semiconductor structures.