We consider the Pope-Ching differential equation [Phys. Fluids A 5, 1529 (1
993)] connecting the probability density p(x)(x) of a stationary, homogeneo
us stochastic process x(t) and the conditional moments of its squared veloc
ity and acceleration. We show that the solution of the Pope-Ching equation
can be expressed as n(x)[\upsilon(x)\(-1)], where n(x) is the mean number o
f crossings of the x level per unit time and [\upsilon(x)\(-1)] is the mean
inverse velocity of crossing. This result shows that the probability densi
ty at x is fully determined by a one-paint measurement of crossing velociti
es, and does not imply knowledge of the x(t) behavior outside of the infini
tesimally narrow window near x. [S1063-651X(99)06709-4].