In the meeting with the patient and in the perspective of symptoms as
attempt to establish an existence, seeing schizophrenia as a particula
r form of temporality, an essential form of existential impatience, is
perceiving a particular attitude to time, a ''now'' which is painful
and beyond approach, which locates an essential moment in individualis
ation, its beginning. Symptoms of impatience reflect the permanence of
excessive efforts towards individuation which unceasingly indicate de
finition of self in terms of non self and particularly in terms of oth
er, this designates the emergence a of relationship between self and s
elf in terms of other, starting from relationship to other. The disord
er of interpersonal contact signifies an incongruous insistence on the
dialectic moment that the ego is. Schizophrenia distinctly underlines
the two - generally linked - moments constitutive of ''being for itse
lf'' for us all, an ''unending movement towards self'' difference of i
dentity - and a ''continuous maintenance of mode of being'' - identity
of difference. Existential impatience is not irritability of a formal
order: it's existence itself which is impatient in the schizophrenic
and this haste for existence, being bogged down in an ''antefestum'' (
before the feast) temporal mode, dominated by the shiver of a future u
nknown, is indicative of the fundamental quest for a constitution. The
schizophrenic :'ante-festum'' is both the ever-present fear of being
unable to become self and a desperate effort to reach a future unknown
. The impatience of existence thus draws the emblematic figure of a di
sorder of measure as referential motion of the birth of all temporalis
ation, in a context in which order and measure constitute the two fund
amental anthropological bases of human beings, and where impatience in
dicates both the removal of daily limits and the emergence of the prin
ciple of all relationships, liberation from the depassement of all ord
ers independent of ail propertion, of ail equilibrium and moderation.