The combination of radial velocities measured by a pair of Super Dual Auror
al Radar Network (SuperDARN) HF coherent radars gives, in their common fiel
d of view, the velocity vectors in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic he
ld. The standard merging is based on a natural grid defined by the beam int
ersections, which provides a resolution varying between 90 and 180 km (depe
nding upon the distance to the radars). This allows the description of stru
ctures with a typical scale size (L) of the order of 500 km. The present st
udy is devoted to a merging method which takes advantage of individual rada
r grids to enhance the resolution (L approximate to 200 km). After a brief
description of the standard merging method, we define the high-resolution g
rid and discuss the potential problems which have to be overcome. The first
problem concerns the localization of the scattering volume, whereas the se
cond one deals with the independence of the velocity vectors. These two lim
itations have been addressed in previous studies [Andre et al., 1997; Barth
es et al., 1998]. In the method proposed here, several velocity vectors are
determined at each grid point, from which the selection is made by using t
he hypothesis of minimization of the divergence magnitude. The selected map
is the one which minimizes the divergence. The performances are tested and
compared to the standard merging algorithm through simulated double vortic
es. Finally, we apply this method to real data, and show, through two examp
les, its ability to describe small-scale structures (L approximate to 200 k