PURPOSE: To test the hypothesis that the diagnostic yield of cyclic cystogr
aphy is related to the prevalence of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in the pop
ulation being evaluated.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two groups of children were examined prospectively:
124 with severe urinary tract infection, defined as patient hospitalization
or a maximum temperature greater than 39.5 degrees C, and 135 with previou
sly diagnosed VUR. Nuclear cystography was performed in 249 patients, and f
luoroscopic cystography was performed in 10. If VUR was not seen during the
first cycle of bladder filling and voiding, a second cycle was performed.
RESULTS: VUR was present during cycle 1 in 40 (32%) of 124 patients with se
vere urinary tract infection and 90 (67%) of 135 children in the VUR follow
-up group (P <.001). VUR was demonstrated during cycle 2 in seven (9%) of 7
6 of the severe urinary tract infection group and eight (24%) of 34 of the
VUR follow-up group (P =.045). Of 15 patients with VUR during cycle 2, two
had grade III VUR and 13 had grade I or II VUR.
CONCLUSION: The second cycle of cyclic cystography has a higher diagnostic
yield in patients undergoing VUR follow-up than in patients with severe uri
nary tract infection. The decision to perform a second cycle of bladder fil
ling and voiding should take into account the pretest probability of VUR in
the child being examined.