Introduction. - Lymphangioleiomyomatosis is an Imcornmon disorder of unknow
n origin, which exclusively occurs in women of reproductive age. The condit
ion is characterized by proliferation of immature smooth muscle cells throu
ghout the lungs, i.e., in the peribronchial, perilymphatic, and perivascula
r areas. This results in obliteration of the respiratory tract a,td in the
development of cysts. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis has a poor prognosis due to
both numerous lung complications and progression of the disease to respirat
ory failure.
Exegesis. - We report the case of a patient in whom lymphangioleiomyomatosi
s was fortuitously diagnosed from chess CT scan, itself performed for the d
iagnosis of pulmonary embolism. This case is therefore of particular intere
Conclusion. - Our results suggest that the prevalence of lymphangioleiomato
sis is probably underestimated due to its clinical latency and the absence
of specific laboratory tests. Therefore, the development of non-invasive ra
diological method's should permit early diagnosis of the disease. (C) 1999
Elsevier, Paris.