The problem of testing the transitivity of a relationship observed in a dig
raph, taking as many nontransitivity related irregularities as possible int
o account, is studied. Two test quantities are used: (I) the proportion of
transitive triples out of all nonvacuously transitive triples, and (2) the
density difference (the difference between,mean local transitivity density
and overall edge density). The null distribution used is the rather complex
uniform distribution on digraphs conditional an the indegrees and outdegre
es. A simulation study is made in order to estimate critical values of the
tests for different significance levels. When all vertices have the same in
degree and outdegree, the occurrence of transitive triples is rather infreq
uent in most conditional uniform graphs; this is reflected by low critical
values of the transitivity-related test statistics. When both the indegree
and outdegree sequences are skewed in the same direction, there is a small
number of vertices with large indegrees and outdegrees. This results in a c
lustering structure, in which transitive triples occur frequently in such c
onditional uniform graphs, the critical values of the test statistics are r
ather high.
The powers of the tests are estimated against the Bernoulli transitive trip
le model, which assumes a simple random graph distribution in which the tra
nsitivity is high. The test based on density difference has the highest pow
er in many cases. The tests are applied to a large set of classroom sociogr
ams, and in this situation it is also found that uniform randomness is reje
cted in flavor of transitivity most frequently when the test based on the d
ensity difference is used. However, the vast majority of these sociograms a
re so far from the uniform distribution that the null hypothesis of uniform
randomness is rejected regardless of which test is used. Nevertheless, the
results imply that the density difference is the best detector of transiti
vity related to the measures examined.