As part of the new German-Argentinian Solar Observatory in El Leoncito, San
Juan, Argentina, a new ground-based solar telescope (MICA) began to operat
e in August 1997. MICA is an advanced mirror coronagraph, its design being
an almost exact copy of the LASCO-C1 instrument. Since its installation, it
has been imaging the inner solar corona (1.05 to 2.0 solar radii) in two s
pectral ranges corresponding to the emission lines of the Fe XIV and Fe X i
ons. The instrument can image the corona as fast as every minute. Thus, it
is ideally suited to study fast processes in the inner corona. In this way,
it is a good complement for the LASCO-C1 instrument. After a brief review
of the instrument, we present some recent observations showing the capabili
ties of the instrument.