From the widths of the extreme ultraviolet (EW) lines measured by the SUMER
instrument on SOHO, it was found previously (Tu et al. 1998) that the aver
age temperature of Ne+7, at heights (relative to ho) above the southern sol
ar limb from 17 " to 64 ", ranges between 1.3 and 5x10(6) K and of Ne+6 bet
ween 1 and 4x10(6) K. For mass-per-charge numbers greater than 4 the temper
atures of the ions increase slightly with increasing mass-per-charge, while
the thermal speed reveals no clear trend. We present a new data set with e
xposure times much longer than the ones in the previous study. The results
obtained from line width analysis of Fe XII (1242 Angstrom), Mg X (1249 Ang
strom), Mg VIII (772 Angstrom) Ne VIII (770 Angstrom), and Si VIII (1445 An
gstrom) support our previous study. In this case, the trend of increasing t
emperature begins at a mass-per-charge number of 3. A qualitative explanati
on based on ion-cyclotron-resonance heating within linear kinetic theory is