In North America where the climate is cool enough only one crop is gro
wn yearly, N fertilizers are sometimes applied in the previous fall ra
ther than in the spring for fall- or spring-sown cereal grains. Howeve
r, in areas where snow accumulates in winter, fall application of N fe
rtilizers is generally inferior to spring application. Substantial nit
rification takes place in winter and subsequent N loss occurs primaril
y in early spring by denitrification after the snow melt. Immobilizati
on of N is also greater with fall- than spring-applied N fertilizers.
Nitrogen is more efficiently retained in the soil as NH4 and thus more
effectively used by plants if formation of nitrite (NO2) and NO3 is r
educed or prevented by inhibiting nitrification. The nitrification is
reduced when urea is placed in bands, because of high pH, ammonia conc
entration and osmotic pressure in the soil. The rate of nitrification
is further reduced when urea is placed in widely-spaced nests (a numbe
r of urea prills placed together at a point below the soil surface) or
as large urea granules (LUG) by reducing contact between the nitrifyi
ng bacteria and the NH4 released upon urea hydrolysis. A further reduc
tion in nitrification from LUG can be obtained by addition of chemical
nitrification inhibitors (such as dicyandiamide (DCD)) to LUG. The co
ncentration of a chemical inhibitor required to suppress nitrification
decreases with increasing granule size. The small soil-fertilizer int
eraction zone with placement of urea in nests or as LUG also reduces i
mmobilization of fertilizer N, especially in soils amended with crop r
esidues. The efficiency of fall-applied N is improved greatly by placi
ng urea in nests or as LUG for small cereal grains. Yields of spring-s
own barley from nests of urea or LUG applied in the fall are close to
those obtained with spring-applied urea prills incorporated into the s
oil. Delaying urea application until close to freeze-up is also improv
ed the efficiency of fall-applied N. This increased effectiveness of u
rea nests or LUG is due to slower nitrification, lower N loss over the
winter by denitrification, and reduced immobilization of applied N. F
all application of LUG containing low rates of DCD slows nitrification
, reduces over-winter N loss, and causes further improvement in yield
and N uptake of winter wheat compared to urea as LUG alone in experime
nts in Ontario; in other experiments in Alberta there is no yield adva
ntage from using a nitrification inhibitor with LUG for barley. Placem
ent of LUG or nests of urea in soil is an agronomically sound practice
for reducing N losses. This practice can eliminate or reduce the amou
nt of nitrification inhibitor necessary to improve the efficiency of f
all-applied urea where losses of mineral N are a problem. The optimum
size of urea nest or LUG, and optimum combination of LUG and an effici
ent nitrification inhibitor need to be determined for different crops
under different agroclimatic conditions. The soil (texture, CEC, N sta
tus), plant (winter or spring crop, crop geometry, crop growth duratio
n and cultivar) and climatic (temperature, amount and distribution of
precipitation) factors should be taken into account during field evalu
ation of LUG. There is a need to conduct region-specific basic researc
h to understand mechanisms and magnitudes of N transformations and N l
osses in a given ecosystem. Prediction of nitrification from LUG or ur
ea nests in various environments is needed. In nitrification inhibitio
n studies with LUG and chemical nitrification inhibitors, measurements
of nitrifier activity will be useful. Finally, there is need for deve
lopment of applicators for mechanical placement of LUG or urea prills
in widely-spaced nests in soil.