Modeling and simulation of a complex biological process for the removal of
nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) from municipal wastewater are addressed
. The model developed in this work employs a distributed-parameter approach
to describe the behavior of components within three different bioreaction
zones and the behavior of sludge in a secondary settler. Results from a com
prehensive experimental validation on an existing pilot-scale biological-nu
trient-removal activated-sludge plant show that model prediction of the com
ponents' dynamics is generally good with the exception of acetate in the an
aerobic zone and soluble phosphate in the aerobic zone in two experiments.
Good results are achieved despite the apparent plant-model mismatch, such a
s uncertainties with the behavior of phosphorus-accumulating organisms. Val
idation of the proposed secondary-settler model shows that if is superior t
o two state-of-the-art models in terms of the sum of the square relative er