PURPOSE: To investigate a patient with talc retinopathy who developed macul
ar fibrosis with resultant visual loss.
METHODS: A 64-year-old intravenous drug abuser was evaluated for bilateral
peripheral retinal neovascularization. He admitted to abusing oral methylph
enidate intravenously, Funduscopy showed numerous intravascular talc partic
les in the macular area of both eyes. Over a period of next 4 years, visual
ly significant macular fibrosis gradually developed in both eyes, the left
eye more than the right eye.
RESULTS: Fluorescein angiography confirmed the presence of bilateral periph
eral retinal neovascularization with adjacent areas of ischemic retina. The
patient was treated with peripheral laser treatment to the ischemic retina
with resultant regression of peripheral retinal neovascularization. Bilate
ral macular fibrosis accounted for the reduced vision in our patient.
CONCLUSION: Talc retinopathy can be associated with macular fibrosis with r
esultant visual loss. (Am J Ophthalmol 1999;128:517-519. (C) 1999 by Elsevi
er Science Inc. All rights reserved.).