Monitoring tacrolimus is essential to maintain therapeutic concentrations.
Performance of the new Abbott Tacrolimus assay (FK II) was evaluated and co
mpared to the original tacrolimus assay (FK I). 189 trough whole blood samp
les from transplant cases were included in the study. Samples (n = 117) nit
h FK I concentrations >5 ng/mL were reanalyzed nith the FK II assay. Patien
t samples (n = 43) that had FK I concentration <5 ng/mL nith apparent mean
and range of 3.1 ng/mL and 0.7 to 4.5 ng/mL, respectively, were also reanal
yzed nith FK II to yield a mean of 5.9 ng/mL with a range of 2.9 to 10.8 ng
/mL. Checking for patient compliance, samples (n = 10) nith a FK I concentr
ation of 0 ng/mL were re-analyzed. With one exception of a mislabeled cyclo
sporine sample, all samples (n = 9) showed FK506 levels greater than 2 ng/m
L with the FK II assay. The FK II assay was shown to be a clinically effica
cious assay, nith improved sensitivity and acceptable precision versus the
previous FK I assay.