Data on patients with Meniere's disease, vestibular schwannoma, traumatic v
ertigo, sudden deafness, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or vestibula
r neuritis were retrieved from the database of otoneurologic expert system
ONE for the development and testing of a genetic algorithm (GA). The accura
cy of the diagnostic rules in solving the test cases was 81%, 91%, 92%, 95%
, 96%, and 98% for the respective diseases. The best rules retrieved from t
he GA were described by a set of questions with the most likely answers. Th
e most important questions concerned the duration of hearing loss and the o
ccurrence of head injury, The validity and structure of the rules created w
ith a GA can be analyzed in detail. For rare diseases, some other reasoning
process can be used, for example, case-based reasoning.