Injuries caused by wheelchair rear-tipping accidents are common. This artic
le reports on the safety and effectiveness of a spotter strap that attaches
to the cross-brace or frame below the center of gravity of an occupied whe
elchair. We videotaped five therapists spotting 89 wheelchair users while t
he users each performed six tasks that were designed to induce rear instabi
lity. We induced 16 episodes of complete rear tipping. In all cases, the sp
otter strap allowed the spotter to stay out of the way during the task, but
step in easily when necessary to prevent the wheelchair user from being in
jured. In one instance, the spotter needed assistance lifting a heavy subje
ct to the upright position after catching the subject with the strap. In su
mmary, the spotter strap is a safe and effective device. We recommend its u
se when there is a high risk of a rear-tipping accident. (C) 1999 by the Am
erican Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Phys
ical Medicine and Rehabilitation.