Botulinum toxin (BTX) is one of the most potent inhibitors of acetylcholine
from nerve endings, and this accounts for its toxic properties as well as
its therapeutic application in a variety of neuromuscular syndromes. This r
eview focuses on the growing use of BTX in the so-called 'spastic' disorder
s of the gastrointestinal tract These include achalasia, for which the shor
t-term efficacy of the intrasphincteric injection of BTX has been well esta
blished. However, because of the chronicity of this condition, repeated inj
ections of the toxin may be required at regular intervals. In contrast, the
relatively short duration of action may be an advantage in disorders such
as chronic anal fissure, where the benefit of this therapy has now been dem
onstrated in hundreds of patients. There are many other sphincteric and non
-sphincteric syndromes in the gut for which the efficacy of this agent is b
eing actively tested. These include non-cardiac chest pain, post-operative
pylorospasm and sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. Skeletal muscle sphincters,
such as the upper oesophageal sphincter or the external anal sphincter/pubo
rectalis muscle, may also be targeted, with good effect. In some of these c
onditions, the local injection of BTX may serve as a useful therapeutic tri
al, facilitating the decision to institute more invasive forms of therapy.
The cumulative short-term experience with BTX in the gut to date suggests t
hat it is a relatively simple and safe therapy. The use of BTX represents a
novel approach for gastrointestinal motility disorders, and the rapidly ex
panding list of successful applications holds promise for a more widespread
use of similar agents in the future. Additional studies on longterm outcom
e are eagerly awaited.