The cDNA encoding cobrotoxin was constructed from the cellular RNA isolated
from the venom glands of Naja naja atra (Taiwan cobra). The cDNA was subcl
oned into the expression vector pET20b(+) and transformed into BL21(DE3) Es
cherichia coli strain. Expressed cobrotoxin was isolated from inclusion bod
ies off. coli and subjected to refolding into its folded structure. The ref
olded cobrotoxin was purified by high-performance liquid chromatography and
exhibited a neurotoxicity in inhibiting acetylcholine-induced muscle contr
actions. Recombinant cobrotoxin showed a tendency to isomerize its disulfid
e bonds as that observed with native cobrotoxin. An appreciable decrease in
the rate of isomerization reaction was observed when Glu-38 was replaced w
ith Gln-38 or Lys-47 was replaced with Glu-47 or Gln-47. These results refl
ect that the element in controlling the disulfide isomerization of cobrotox
in is closely associated with the charged side chains in the cobrotoxin mol
ecule. (C) 1999 Academic Press.