The following five species of marine red algae are reported from Malaysia f
or the first time and their characteristic features are described: Cryptone
mia yendoi Weber-van Bosse (Halymeniaceae, Cryptonemiales), Caulacanthus us
tulatus (Turner) Kutzing (Caulacanthaceae, Gigartinales), Chondracanthus in
termedius (Suringar) Hommersand (Gigartinaceae, Gigartinales), Griffithsia
schousboei Montagne (Ceramiaceae, Ceramiales) and Laurencia flexilis Setche
ll (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales). The presence of Anotrichium tenue (C. Agard
h) Nageli (Ceramiaceae, Ceramiales) in Malaysia is confirmed. Chondracanthu
s okamurae Abbott, originally described from Japan, is reduced to the synon
ymy of C. intermedius.