A case of metastatic liposarcoma of both skull and brain originating from t
he lower extremity is described. A 44-year-old male underwent removal of a
myxoid type liposarcoma in his left upper thigh and a second operation for
local recurrence. A metastatic liposarcoma was also discovered in the media
stinum and treated by radiotherapy. Six years after the initial onset, he p
resented with progressive consciousness disturbance, motor aphasia, right h
emiparesis and subcutaneous swelling in the left frontal region. Neuroimagi
ng showed a large tumour extending both intracranially and extracranially a
cross the eroded skull. The intracranial portion of the tumour had invaded
the frontal lobe. The tumour was subtotally removed. The operative findings
suggested that the tumour had metastasized to the dura mater or the skull
initially, and invaded the surrounding tissues. The histological appearance
was the same as those of the previous rumours.