The influence of N fertilizer rate on uptake and distribution of N in
the plant, N-15 labelled fertilizer uptake and sugar yield were studie
d for 3 years on autumn sown sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) under Medit
erranean (Southern Spain) rain-fed and irrigated conditions. Available
average soil N prior to sowing was 69 kg N ha-1, and net mineralisati
on in the soil during the growth period was 130 kg N ha-1. Maximum N u
ptake occurred in the spring and increased with increasing fertilizer
rates in the irrigated crop. There was no increase in N uptake in the
sugar beet cropped under rain-fed conditions because of water shortage
. Maximum average N uptake both by roots and tops was between 200 and
250 kg N ha-1. When N fertilizer was not applied, average uptake from
the soil was between 130 and 140 kg N ha-1. At the end of the growth p
eriod there was a marked translocation of N from the leaves to the roo
t which increased with the N fertilizer rate. The N ratio top/roots at
harvest was 0.45-0.5 and 0.8- - 1 in the irrigated and rain-fed sugar
beet, respectively. Maximum N-15 labelled fertilizer uptake took plac
e in May-June, being larger in irrigated sugar beet or when spring rai
nfall was more abundant. Fertilizer use efficiency varied between 30%
and 68%. Sugar yield response to N fertilizer rates depended on the N
available in the soil and on the total water input to the crop, partic
ularly in spring. The response was more constant in the irrigated crop
, where optimum yield was obtained with a fertilizer rate of 160 kg N
ha-1. In the rain-fed crop, the optimum dose proved more erratic, with
an estimated mean of 100 kg N ha-1. The amount of N required to produ
ce 1 t of root and of sugar ranged between 1.5 and 3.8 kg N and betwee
n 11.1 and 22.4 kg N respectively, and varied according to the N ferti
lizer rates applied.