This study identifies the socio-economic factors responsible for ferti
lizer adoption in Nakuru District, Kenya. Data for the study were obta
ined from a cross section of the farmers by using a multi-stage random
sampling technique to purposively select both adopters and non-adopte
rs of fertilizers. The probit model was employed to analyse the data v
ia the maximum likelihood estimation technique. In addition, by making
use of changes in stimulus level due to changes in socioeconomic vari
ables, the effect of different policy options on fertilizer adoption w
as explored. The results of the study indicate that fertilizer adoptio
n in the area of study is more sensitive to sociological and instituti
onal factors than to economic factors such as labour and credit availa
bilities. Specifically, it is recommended among others that efforts be
made to encourage farmers in the area to join cooperative societies.
Also, frequency of extension visitation to the farmers should be incre
ased for wide spread fertilizer adoption in particular and for the ado
ption of other new appropriate technologies by small-scale farmers in
the area.