Arterial port systems are frequently used in the adjuvant and palliative th
erapy of colorectal hepatic metastasis. Specific complications are rarely d
ocumented in literature. The perforation of an arterial Port-a-cath followe
d by duodenal fistula is an uncommon complication of regional hepatic chemo
therapy. Besides systemic disorders caused by the chemotherapeutic agents,
such as vomiting, sickness, or gastritis and duodenitis, gastroduodenal ulc
ers can occur as a local complication of treatment. Thrombosis of the hepat
ic artery or occlusion of the port device are the most common reasons for w
ithdrawal of treatment in our series. Based on our experience and the case
report of a duodenal fistula we recommend angiography of the port system pr
ior to each cycle of chemotherapy.