Splenectomy (SPL) in cirrhotic patients undergoing liver transplantation (L
Tx) may resolve specific problems related to the procedure itself, in case
of functional and life-threatening clinical situations often occurring as a
result of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Methods. A single-cente
r experience of ten splenectomies in a series of 180 consecutive adult live
r transplant patients over a period of 6 yr is reported. The mean patient a
ge was 46.8 +/- 9.5 yr (range 25-57 yr). Indications for SPL were post-oper
ative massive ascitic fluid loss (n = 3), severe thrombocytopenia (n = 3),
acute intra-abdominal hemorrhage (n = 2), infarction of the spleen (n = 1),
and multiple splenic artery aneurysms (n = 1).
Results. Extreme ascites production due to functional graft congestion disa
ppeared post-SPL, with an improvement of the hepatic and renal functions. S
PL was also effective in cases of thrombocytopenia persistence post-LTx, le
ading to an increase in the platelet count after about 1 wk. Bleeding episo
des related to left-sided portal hypertension or trauma were also resolved.
The rejection rate during hospitalization was 0%, and no other episodes we
re recorded in the course of the long-term follow-up. However, sepsis with
a fatal outcome occurred in 4 patients, i.e. between 2 and 3 wk post-SPL in
three cases and 1 yr after the procedure as a result of pneumococcal infec
tion in the last case. Fatal traumatic cranial injury occurred 3 yr post-LT
x in another case. Five patients (50%) are still alive and asymptomatic aft
er a median follow-up period of 36 months.
Conclusions. The lowering of the portal flow appears to resolve unexplained
post-operative ascitic fluid loss as a result of functional graft congesti
on following LTx. However, because of the enhanced risk of SPL-related seps
is, a partial splenic embolization (PSE) or a spleno-renal shunt could be u
sed as an alternative procedure because it allows us to preserve the immuno
logical function of the spleen. SPL is indicated in ease of post-transplant
bleeding due to left-sided portal hypertension and trauma, spleen infarcti
on, and to enable prevention of hemorrhage in liver transplant patients wit
h multiple splenic artery aneurysms. Severe and persistent thrombocytopenia
could be treated with PSE. Because the occurrence of fatal sepsis post-SPL
is a major complication in LTx, functional disorders, such as ascites and
thrombocytopenia, should be treated with a more conservative approach.