Purpose To evaluate a novel two-stage technique to increase yield of bacter
ia isolated from infected corneal ulcers.
Methods A new blade was designed to remove friable material from infected c
orneal ulcers. The new blade was used in combination with standard tissue m
icro-homogenisation equipment in a two-stage technique intended to distribu
te biopsy samples evenly between relevant agar plates. Patients with presum
ed-bacterial corneal ulcers underwent sequential corneal sampling using the
new two-stage technique and a scalpel blade, used without micro-homogenisa
tion (the order of sampling was varied between two groups). Bacterial isola
tion rates were compared using the chi-squared test.
Results Twenty-four patients with presumed-bacterial conceal ulcers were st
udied. The overall positive bacterial isolation rate was 88%, with identica
l bacterial isolation rates for the new two-stage technique and the scalpel
blade (71%). The new technique isolated bacteria from three ulcers that ha
d initially been 'sterile' when sampled with a scalpel blade. Polymicrobial
infections were identified in two ulcers with the new blade where only a s
ingle organism had been identified using the scalpel blade (not significant
ly different).
Conclusions The new two-stage technique shows promise for improving bacteri
al isolation rates from presumed-bacterial corneal ulcers.