Acute mesenteric ischemia is an unfrequent abdominal emergency. The 90 % mo
rtality of this affection is related to a delayed diagnosis. The mesenteric
ischemia and the mesenteric infarction are two different pathologic stages
caracterized by two different treatment and prognosis. Superior mesenteric
artery embolism is the most frequent cause of mesenteric ischemia. Accordi
ng a difficult clinical diagnosis and the necessity of an early diagnosis w
e suggest an agressive attitude. All the patients presenting risk factors a
nd an abdominal pain must have a mesenteric angiography. The purpose of the
angiography is diagnostic and therapeutic. The aim of surgery in case of m
esenteric ischemia is to restore a normal vascularisation. In spite of this
attitude the prognosis of this affection remain poor.