We studied the origin of extensor carpi radialis brevis using 40 fresh froz
en human cadaver specimens. Ten were stained with haematoxylin and eosin an
d trichrome which showed the collagenous structure of the extensor tendons
at their origin. Gross anatomical observation showed that there was no defi
nitive separation between brevis and communis at the osseotendinous junctio
n, The histological findings confirmed the lack of separation between the t
wo tendons. The extensor tendons were in close proximity to the joint capsu
le but trichrome staining showed no interdigitation of the tendon with the
capsule. The validity of ascribing the pain of lateral epicondylitis to ext
ensor carpi radialis brevis must be questioned. It appears to arise more fr
om the 'common extensor' origin.