A retrospective study was performed to determine the frequency of new
symptoms and diseases after silicone breast implantation. Questionnair
es were mailed to 826 women who made up a breast implant group (n = 51
6) and a control group who had undergone blepharoplasty (n = 124), lip
osuction (n = 111), or rhinoplasty (n = 75). Responses were obtained f
rom 370 women (45 percent); however, 68 of these patients (18 percent)
were considered ineligible. The overall response rate was 59 percent
for the breast implant group and 46 percent for controls. The 302 elig
ible women included patients with silicone breast implants (n = 222) a
nd controls (n = 80). Women with implants were significantly younger t
han controls, the median age of women with breast implants being 37 ye
ars compared with 46.5 years for controls (p < 0.0001). We compared th
e incidence of 23 symptoms and 4 connective-tissue diseases after cosm
etic surgery in the two groups. The symptoms of swollen glands under a
rms (p < 0.05) and tender glands under arms (p < 0.01) were statistica
lly more frequent in the breast implant group. The symptom change in s
kin color was more common in the controls (p < 0.001). The Bonferroni
correction for multiple (27) endpoints adjusts the 5 and 1 percent sig
nificance cutoff points to 0.00185 and 0.00037, respectively, leaving
only change of skin color significant at the 5 percent level on the ad
justed data. No cases of scleroderma or lupus were found, and the inci
dence of arthritis was not significantly different between the implant
and control groups.