Experiments that selectively excite I = 3/2 nuclei exhibiting residual quad
rupolar splittings are used to acquire Na-23 NMR spectra from a range of bi
ologically relevant samples containing sodium in ordered environments. Thre
e complementary approaches to the analysis of such spectra are described: (
i) measurement of relaxation rates, (ii) extraction of homogeneous linewidt
hs from two-dimensional Jeener-Broekaert spectra, and (iii) simultaneous fi
tting of detailed theoretical functions to a series of one-dimensional Jeen
er-Broekaert spectra, Analysis of relaxation rates provides evidence for co
mpartmentation in bovine nasal cartilage. Each approach is used to demonstr
ate the presence of anisotropy in transverse relaxation in porcine tendon,
For certain samples containing collagen, a good theoretical fit to the spec
tra was obtained using a model that allows for anisotropic relaxation by in
cluding the effects of slow lateral and radial diffusion. (C) 1999 Academic