Competitive interactions between left and right eye inputs to visual cortex
during development are usually explained by the thalamocortical axons comp
eting more or less well for cortical territory during retraction into eye s
pecific domains. Here me review the evidence for competitive and co-operati
ve interactions between cortical columns in barrel cortex which are present
several weeks after retraction of thalamocortical axons into barrels. Sens
ory responses in barrel cortex can be altered by a period of vibrissa depri
vation. It was found that responses to previously deprived vibrissae (that
had been allowed to regrow) were depressed more if neighboring vibrissae we
re spared than if all vibrissae were removed simultaneously, Depression of
the deprived vibrissa response was greater the closer the cell lay to a spa
red barrel. It was also found that spared vibrissae responses were potentia
ted more if several neighboring vibrissae were left intact than if only a s
ingle vibrissae was spared. These results suggest a mechanism of cooperativ
e potentiation, perhaps due to intracortical summation of excitation evoked
by neighbouring vibrissa stimulation. Thalamic responses to vibrissa stimu
lation were unaffected by deprivation indicating a cortical origin. One of
the consequences of deprivation was that the speed of transmission between
barrels was increased for spared and decreased for deprived vibrissa. These
results imply that inherent interactions between cortical columns give ris
e to a property of competition and co-operativity which amplify the effects
of sensory deprivation. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.