Background: In 1997, Benninger developed the Rhinosinusitis Disability Inde
x (RSBI) for patients who suffered from chronic sinusitis. Its content rela
ted validity and construct related validity were established, as were its s
ensitivity and reliability. The aim of our study is to introduce a concept
to measure quality of life in these patients according to circumstances pre
valent in Germany. Methods: The questionnaire (Rhinusitis-Beeintrachtigungs
-Index, RSBI) contains 30 questions that describe the 5 aspects of quality
of life. Moreover we used a standardized data sheet to acquire further info
rmation about history and diagnostic results. Using this method it is possi
ble to specifity more precisely the patients current complaints and conditi
on. Evaluation is possible according to complex of questions as well as sim
ple items. The influence of treatment on quality of life can be measured as
the sum of the specific scores and is expressed comprehensively in the tot
al score. The concept of the study includes a prospective inquiry as well a
s before and after surgical intervention. Conclusion: A disadvantage of the
American RSDI is that the clinical symptoms are not described in a detaile
d catalogue which allows the correlation of the clinical factors. Therefore
we added a detailed questionnaire concerning the clinical symptoms and the
individual treatment of the patient (RSBI). That permits comprehensive ana
lysis of quality of life as it relates to different aspects of disease and
different strategies in treatment.