This study presents global statistics of tropopause parameters for a 15-yr
period (1979-93). The parameters are height, temperature, potential tempera
ture, mixing ratio of water vapor, and zonal, meridional and vertical wind.
The global tropopause is derived from ECMWF reanalysis data by applying th
e thermal and dynamical definitions of the tropopause. The tropopause clima
tology evaluated from the ECMWF reanalysis data is compared with those prov
ided by radiosonde and satellite data. The meridional and zonal variations
in the mean tropopause height and temperature reflect the global jet stream
structure. The seasonal variation of tropical trepopause temperatures is c
haracterized by a minimum during Northern Hemispheric summer and a correspo
nding winter maximum. The tropopause mixing ratio of water vapor attains a
minimum in the Tropics that increases gradually poleward. The maximum of th
e relative humidity occurs in the Tropics above the Pacific and Indian Ocea
ns. There are no global trends in the height and temperature of the tropopa
use but a decrease of about 10% per decade is evaluated for the mixing rati
o of water vapor. The negative trend is particularly strong above both pola
r regions.