In this experimental study, the effects of an antihelminthic and immunostim
ulating agent (levamisole) on anastomosis recovery in transfused and normal
guinea pigs were investigated. A total of 56 animals were divided into fou
r groups of 14 each; an additional 10 were employed for blood transfusion (
BT). Intestinal anastomoses were performed on all animals; the following po
stoperative treatments were administered: none (control group); BT; intra-a
bdominal (IA) levamisole; and BT + levamisole. After recording the mortalit
y of each group, a relaparotomy was performed on one-half of the animals on
the 3rd postoperative day and on the remaining half on the 7th postoperati
ve day. Findings of IA sepsis, resistance of the anastomosis, bursting pres
sure, and hydroxyproline values were evaluated. Statistical comparison of t
he groups was accomplished by analysis of variance. In the transfused group
an increase in sepsis was determined and the bursting pressure was signifi
cantly lower than in the control group. IA levamisole application following
BT reduced the mortality by diminishing LA sepsis and anastomotic abscess
formation and increased anastomotic pressure and recovery (P < 0.01). Histo
pathologic recovery in levamisole groups was better than in the group that
received BT only. Levamisole application without BT resulted in equal morta
lity and morbidity to that of the control group. We conclude that clinical
use of levamisole should be considered only in intestinal anastomoses in wh
ich BT is inevitable.