Background. Although the vaccine research and development network in the Un
ited States remains vibrant, its continued success requires maintaining har
monious interaction among its many components. Changing one component is li
kely to affect the system overall. An examination of case studies of the de
velopment of selected vaccines would allow an examination of the network as
a whole. This article presents conclusions drawn from the case study revie
w undertaken.
Objective. Successful development of vaccines is a time-intensive process r
equiring years of commitment from a network of scientists and a continuum o
f regulatory and manufacturing entities. We undertook this work to shed lig
ht on how well the vaccine development system in the United States performs
Method. The National Vaccine Advisory Committee examined the research and d
evelopment pathways of several vaccines that reached licensure expeditiousl
y (hepatitis B vaccine, Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines);
some that became licensed only after considerable delay (oral typhoid Ty21a
vaccine, varicella vaccine); some that are at the point of imminent or rec
ent licensure (reassortant Rhesus rotavirus vaccine, which was licensed by
the Food and Drug Administration on August 30, 1998) or near submission for
licensure (intranasal cold adapted influenza vaccine); and one for which c
linical development is slow because of hurdles that must be overcome (respi
ratory syncytial virus vaccines).
Results. Some common themes emerged from the reviews of these vaccine "case
histories": the expediting influence of a strong scientific base and ratio
nale; the need for firm quantitation of disease burden and clear identifica
tion of target populations; the critical role played by individuals or team
s who act as "champions" to overcome the inevitable obstacles; availability
of relevant animal models, high-quality reagents and standardized assays t
o measure immune response; the absolute requirement for well designed, meti
culously executed clinical trials of vaccine safety, immunogenicity, and ef
ficacy; postlicensure measurements of the public health impact of the vacci
ne and a track record of the vaccine's safety and acceptance with large-sca
le use; and the critical need for international collaborations to evaluate
vaccines against diseases of global importance that are rare in the United
States (eg, typhoid fever). It was clear that the critical step-up from ben
ch scale to pilot lots and then to large-scale production, which depends on
a small group of highly trained individuals, is often a particularly vulne
rable point in the development process.
Conclusions. One fundamental lesson learned is that within the varied and c
omprehensive US vaccine development infrastructure, multiple and rather dis
tinct paths can be followed to reach vaccine licensure. The National Vaccin
e Advisory Committee review process should be conducted periodically in the
future to ascertain that the US vaccine development network, which has bee
n enormously productive heretofore and has played a leadership role globall
y, is adapting appropriately to ensure that new, safe, and efficacious vacc
ines become available in a timely manner.