A study was carried out to investigate the effects of four different storag
e times on technology and bromatologic characteristics in two sugar cane va
rieties (CO 413 and RE 72454). The varieties were cut and stored during zer
o, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 days. It was used a completely randomized design accord
ing to a 2 x 4 factorial scheme. The RE 72454 variety showed better dry mat
ter level than the CO 413 variety. The storage time increased (P<0.01) the
reducters sugar levels and decreased (P<0.01) the crude protein levels. Whe
n they were stored during 4.5 days, a significative (P<0.01) reduction of 1
4.66 and 4.04% in the levels of crude protein and gross energy, respectivel
y, was observed.