The French Law on Bio-ethics being revisited: The GRET (Group on ethical as
pects of transplantation) makes a series of proposals in order to update so
me articles of the law, this being considered as considerable progress.
Bone marrow graf: the new concept of graft of "Hematopoietic stem cells" in
cluding their different sources, better reflects the current practice, rema
ining considered basically as an organ.
Organ transplantation, with living donor: The extension to new categories o
f donors is proposed, with, however, the creation of a multidisciplinary co
mmittee of experts and representatives of the society in charge of the eval
uation of the motivations, with objective criteria.
Organ transplantation, deceased donor: A better information of the public t
ogether with the help of Associations is proposed, and the creation of help
units in order to provide support for family members, who come in emergenc
y as witnesses and greatly need support and help. (C) 1999, Masson, Paris.