Heat and mass transfer in semiconductor float-zone processing are strongly
influenced by convective flows in the zone, originating from sources such a
s buoyancy convection, thermocapillary (Marangoni) convection, differential
rotation, or radio frequency heating. Because semiconductor melts are cond
ucting, flows can be damped by the use of static magnetic fields to influen
ce the interface shape and the segregation of dopants and impurities. An im
portant objective is often the suppression of time-dependent flows and the
ensuing dopant striations. In RF-heated Si-FZ-crystals, fields up to 0.5Tes
la show some flattening of the interface curvature and a reduction of stria
tion amplitudes. In radiation-heated (small-scale) Si-FZ crystals, fields o
f 0.2-0.5Tesla already suppress the majority of the dopant striations. The
uniformity of the radial segregation is often compromised by using a magnet
ic field, due to the directional nature of the damping. Transverse fields l
ead to an asymmetric interface shape and thus require crystal rotation (res
ulting in rotational dopant striations) to achieve a radially symmetric int
erface, whereas axial fields introduce a coring effect. A complete suppress
ion of dopant striations and a reduction of the coring to insignificant val
ues, combined with a shift of the axial segregation profile towards a more
diffusion-limited case, are possible with axial static fields in excess of
1Tesla. Strong static magnetic fields, however, can also lead to the appear
ance of thermoelectromagnetic convection, caused by the interaction of ther
moelectric currents with the magnetic field.