Background and purpose: Africa is the least developed continent as regards
radiation oncology resources. The documented ASR of cancer is of the order
of 1 to 2 per 1000. With improving health care this is becoming more signif
icant. This review was undertaken to help develop priorities for the region
Materials and methods: Radiation Oncology departments in Africa were identi
fied and a survey of their equipment performed. These were compared to the
reported situation in 1991. Population tables for the year 2000 were compar
ed to available megavoltage machines.
Results: Of 56 countries in Africa, only 22 are confidently known to have m
egavoltage therapy concentrated in the southern and northern extremes of th
e continent. The 155 megavoltage machines operating represents over 100% in
crease over the past 8 years. The population served by each megavoltage mac
hine ranges from 0.6 million to 70 million per machine. Overall, only 50% o
f the population have some access to Radiation Oncology services.
Conclusion: Progress has been made in initiating radiation oncology in Ghan
a, Ethiopia and Namibia. There has been some increase in machines in Algeri
a, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. However, a large backlog exists for b
asic radiation services. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights