Pollutant emissions and fuel consumption of passenger cars are usually asse
ssed as a function of average speed. Nevertheless a number of attempts were
made to take into account the driving pattern using emission vs. instantan
eous speed and acceleration models. Five quite similar models were develope
d in Europe. To which extent these instantaneous models are innovative as c
ompared to conventional models? In a first step the various development sta
ges of an emission-based model and the various associated errors are presen
ted. Among the possible sources of error, we selected modelling-induced err
ors, enabling to compare rigorously the various model types in terms of per
formance. The analysis was performed using the Modem model, developed from
the measurement results obtained over a sample of 150 vehicles, representat
ive of French, English and German fleets, over 14 representative driving cy
cles under urban conditions. Average emissions as measured over these 14 cy
cles are compared to emissions calculated over same cycles using this model
. Modelling errors range from -51% to +57% as a function of the considered
cycle and the vehicle type. This inaccuracy is quite similar for the other
four European models. This demonstrates the low reliability of the models u
sed, which cannot be used to assess the impact of slight changes in the dri
ving pattern, sometimes leading to completely false conclusions. These mode
ls are barely more precise than average speed based models. In a second ste
p, a number of alternatives liable to improve the reliability of instantane
ous models are contemplated: for example using another method for calculati
ng acceleration, or increasing the number of speed and acceleration classes
significantly. But this does not improve significantly the model reliabili
ty. Limited measurements performed on a catalyst vehicle demonstrated that
very high engine loads, even if not frequent, play a significant role in em
issions: sometimes they yield emission values a thousand times higher. It i
s therefore of prime interest to study them in a comprehensive manner. In a
ddition, this demonstrates that each model should be developed from measure
ments carried out over a set of representative driving cycles under real-wo
rld driving conditions. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.