Computational research can make a contribution to practical politics. In th
e field of elections, there always has been an attempt to find the "ideal v
oting system" in terms of perfect fair representation of majorities and min
orities in representative bodies. The project described in this article dea
ls with the design and implementation of a proportional representation (PR)
vote-tallying structural system (VTSS). The main purpose of this program i
s to carry out the vote-counting process within a multi-post election. The
VTSS can be described as a parameter-based multialgorithm system. It includ
es the single transferable vote, highest average, and greatest remainder vo
ting methods. The last two receive parameters to particularize their execut
ion, emulating well-known PR list systems. Although it was not the main obj
ective, the VTSS has proven to be effective in analyzing and designing PR e
lectoral systems.