The genomic organization of the 3' end of the human Thyroglobulin (Tg) gene
has not previously been characterized. We isolated and characterized seven
teen lambda phage clones from a human genomic library that included nucleot
ides 6263 to 8410 of the Tg mRNA, encompassing the last thirteen 3' exons o
f the Tg gene. The region contained exons ranging in size from 94 to 222 nu
cleotides, split by introns of 1 to 64 kb. We estimate a total of 48 exons
in the Tg gene. All the intron-exon boundaries were sequenced. We found tha
t the splicing sequences diverged considerably from the 3' and 5' consensus
. However, the GT-AG rule was perfectly respected in all the exons. A total
of 5788 intronic bases and most of the sequences contained in the 13 exons
were analyzed (1846 bases). One sequence variation, TT to CC at positions
8377-8378, was found in the 3' untranslated segment. The three tyrosine res
idues involved in thyroid hormones synthesis (amino acids 2554, 2568, and 2
747) at the carbosyl termini of Tg, are encoded by exons 44, 45, and 48. Th
e knowledge of the precise organization of the Tg gene should help to direc
t studies of Tg gene mutations in families in which a defect in the synthes
is of Tg occurs.